Sleep Apnea

Sleep Apnea and Sleep Appliances

Obstructive sleep apnea (or OSA) is a sleep disorder that involves cessation or a significant decrease in airflow in while breathing during sleep. It is the most common type of sleep-disordered breathing and is characterized by recurrent episodes of upper airway collapse (soft palate and tongue) during sleep.

Individuals with OSA do not receive enough oxygen, which can cause inadequate saturation of your red blood cells, and frequent awakenings from sleep to gasp for air. Many individuals with sleep apnea do not know even now they have it. Common risk factors include but are not limited to: snoring at night, being overweight, and waking up tired and unrested. When you visit Deluxe Dentistry, let us know about your concerns so we can assess your risk factors. If you are at high risk, we can refer you to a sleep study center so you can be properly diagnosed by a medical sleep specialist.

Depending on the diagnosis, at Deluxe Dentistry, we may be able to fabricate an oral appliance (mouthpiece) that is effective for most patients with mild to moderate OSA. The most common medical approach for treatment is the CPAP machine, which can be highly effective–however, many patients do not feel comfortable sleeping with the mask, headgear, and straps and cannot comply with CPAP therapy. Most individuals would prefer to use a convenient, comfortable oral appliance instead.


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