Regular Checkups & Cleanings-Lawrenceville

Poor oral hygiene often leads to gum disease and tooth decay. New research suggests that gum disease is a state of constant inflammation that can trigger your body to cause other inflammatory diseases like heart disease, a disease of the blood vessels, kidney problems and even complications with diabetes and low birth weight. Tooth decay, besides causing tooth loss and possible pain, can sometimes lead to a bacterial infection of your jawbones, and in very rare instances can cause a fracture of the jaw.

Everyone knows that hygienist’s clean teeth, take X-rays, and constantly emphasize flossing. When you come in for your checkup and cleaning visit at Deluxe Dentistry, you will notice that our hygienists take pride in what they do. Besides being centered on the prevention or control of oral disease, they recognize and put a strong emphasis on how oral health affects systemic health. Your hygiene visit will give you an excellent refreshed feeling from the thorough cleaning–and Deluxe Dentistry hygienists will be happy to provide complimentary nutrition and smoking cessation counseling as well as screenings for head, neck, and oral cancer.


Lawrenceville's Top-Rated Dentist for Exception Dental Care Creating & Maintaining One Healthy Smile at a Time

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