Crown Lengthening

Crown Lengthening

Crown lengthening is a reshaping procedure done to the gums and some of the supporting bone in order to expose more tooth structure for functional and/or aesthetic reasons.

Functional Crown Lengthening:

Functional Crown Lengthening is performed when a tooth presents with extensive decay that goes underneath the gum line, and it’s planned to save and restore that tooth. Often when the procedure is indicated, the tooth is not likely to be restored otherwise.

Benefits of Functional Crown Lengthening:

Gives us a chance to save a tooth.

Reduces the risk of gum problems around the lengthened tooth.

Increases the predictability with the crown.

Increases long-term prognosis.

Esthetic Crown Lengthening

The presence of a “gummy smile” can be bothersome to some individuals. There are several reasons a smile can appear gummy, and it is very important to determine the proper diagnosis before considering any treatment. For some individuals with excessive gum display, esthetic crown lengthening may be a great option.

Esthetic Crown Lengthening may also be indicated during a cosmetic smile makeover, which is often done in conjunction with veneers or all-ceramic crowns in order to achieve a very appealing, balanced, and esthetic outcome.

If you are concerned about the appeal of your smile and feel that you display too much gum while smiling, speak to Dr. Godko to see if you are a candidate for Esthetic Crown Lengthening.

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